Ragnarok, the 9 Realms and Magical Objects

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Join panelists from the Great Books Discussion for a consideration of the Norse apocalypse, Ragnarok, as well as how magical objects and the Nine Realms of Norse mythology, among other themes, influenced J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. Whether you're a fan of the Thor films or Neil Gaiman's book on Norse Mythology, you are invited to participate in our discussion. Contact […]

What is the Replacement Theory?

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Is this a new "theory" or has this belief system been with us since the founding of our country? What is replacement theory and how does it affect how we treat people of color? Was this a factor in the shooting in Buffalo on May 14, 2022? Contact Professor Michalak at michalakcm@sunybroome.edu with any questions. Join Zoom […]

Current Hot Topics in Politics

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Two of our political science professors take on any and all hot topics of the day in politics. Don't miss this great and informative discussion. Contact Professor John Sterlacci at sterlaccijr@sunybroome.edu with any questions. Join Zoom Faculty Presenters: Leeland Whitted and John Sterlacci

Current Hot Topics in Politics

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Two of our political science professors take on any and all hot topics of the day in politics. Don't miss this great and informative discussion. Contact Professor John Sterlacci at sterlaccijr@sunybroome.edu with any questions.  Join Zoom Faculty Presenters: Leeland Whitted and John Sterlacci

Midterm Elections

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

What are the Midterm Elections? Why are they important? Why should you as a citizen pay attention and vote? How does the outcome of the Midterm Elections affect the composition of the Congress and the nation's policy moving forward? Contact Professor Michalak at michalakcm@sunybroome.edu with any questions. Join Zoom Faculty Presenter: Carla Michalak

Constitution Day and National Voter Registration Day

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Join a discussion on the right to privacy and the Constitution. Is privacy as a right secured in the Constitution or may the Supreme Court remove privacy rights a la Roe v. Wade? Could other "privacy" rights be stripped away? Free copies of the Constitution will be distributed and students will be provided an opportunity […]

Norse Mythology and Popular Culture

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Join panelists from the Great Books Discussion for a consideration of Norse mythology in popular culture. Whether you’re a fan of the Thor films or Neil Gaiman’s book on Norse Mythology, you are invited to participate in our discussion. Presenters: I.J. Byrnes and Members of the Great Books Discussion Contact Professor Byrnes at byrnesij@sunybroome.edu with any questions. […]

Understanding Japanese Anime

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

How can a viewer better understand the historical settings and philosophy used to tell the stories of anime? Historical anime which considers topics such as the Russo-Japanese war and Commodore’s Perry arrival in Japan will be examined in a session designed for both fans of anime and students of history. Faculty Presenter: David Michalak Contact […]

Cross-Current Hot Topics in Politics

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Two of our political science professors take on any and all hot topics of the day in politics. Don’t miss this great and informative discussion. Faculty Presenters: Leeland Whitted and John Sterlacci Contact Professor John Sterlacci at sterlaccijr@sunybroome.edu with any questions Launch on Zoom

Cross-Cultural Analysis: Germany and the United States

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Four faculty members discuss what we can learn from post-war Germany’s struggle with its Nazi history. How does Germany’s path compare to the way the U.S. has handled its Civil War history, which included entrenched opposition to abolishing slavery, Jim Crow and segregation laws? How does this history directly relate to issues of racism today? […]

Current Hot Topics in Politics

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Two of our political science professors take on any and all hot topics of the day in politics. Don’t miss this great and informative discussion. Faculty Presenters: Leeland Whitted and John Sterlacci Contact Professor John Sterlacci at sterlaccijr@sunybroome.edu with any questions Launch on Zoom

Scholarships for SUNY Broome Students

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Join administrators from our campus Foundation to find out how you can become a candidate for one of many scholarships offered by the college and its four academic divisions. Foundation Presenters: Lisa Schappert and Amy Englehart Contact Administrator Lisa Schappert at schappertl@sunybroome.edu or Administrator Amy Englehart at englehartad@sunybroome.edu with any questions. Launch on Zoom

Ukraine in Peril

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Are we on the cusp of a major war in Europe or is Vladimir Putin engaging in high-stakes blackmail? Join our panel discussion by faculty members from the History, Philosophy and Social Sciences Department at this critical moment when history is being made. Location: Live on Campus Location: Titchener 101 Or Join Online: Join Zoom […]

Guitar Music from Latin America: Performance

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Join a member of our music faculty for a live performance of music from Latin America. What better way to celebrate another successful semester? Contact Professor Paul Sweeny at sweenypm@sunybroome.edu with any questions. This event is being offered exclusively on Zoom. The following is the Zoom link for this presentation: https://zoom.us/j/99695362433 Faculty Presenter: Paul Sweeny […]

Ethics and the Bathsheba Syndrome

Titchener Building Room 101 and on Zoom

Join our presenter for a brief film screening about leadership ethics that is relevant to future employees in business, the military and every workplace in between. If power corrupts, are any of us safe in our future careers? Contact Professor Byrnes at byrnesij@sunybroome.edu with any questions. This event may be attended via Zoom or live. […]