Week 14! Yikes! How did that happen?
I bet you are pretty stressed right now. No? Yes?
Are you finding it hard to concentrate and stay focused?
Can you complete a thought- or is that a struggle?
Can you say STRESS?
So, let’s get down to basics again. This point in the semester is often very challenging for students – we know – we see you in our office more often than any other time in the semester! So let’s learn to focus, breathe and get things organized again so that you can haven a successful last two weeks of the semester.
Counseling Services can help- Call +1 (607) 778-5210 or email us at counselingservices@sunybroome.edu, or check us out at Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals.
Wellness Wednesday out of the Counseling Corner:
So, on Monday we worked on breathing and making the to-do list… today we are going to introduce a wellness activity or two to help balance the level of stress and activity that you have to do and taking care of YOU!
It is that time of the year and in the semester where the energy level dips a bit – let’s try and boost it up. Surround yourself with things, people, items that make you feel good and that bring you a bit of fun and laughter in your life.
Look around your room – your house – your surroundings – how are things looking? If you feel they are too messy/cluttered/lost control of the area – take control back! Take some time today or tomorrow to clean the spaces that you are living in. A clean environment can help with mood and productivity.
And now, look at that to-do list from the other day, or if you missed that activity, think about all that you have to do. Life is about balance and finding some peace in each day.
I would like you to add something that you enjoy doing to each day from here until the end of the semester. It could be talking to a friend, sleeping in for ten more minutes, stopping and getting your favorite coffee, whatever it may be – DO IT! It does not have to take a ton of time or money- but doing something each day- with intention, that brings us joy, makes us happy- can help our mood, our stress level and our productivity. Give it a try!
Counseling Services can help- Call +1 (607) 778-5210 or email us at counselingservices@sunybroome.edu, or check us out at Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals.