Flowing trees on campus

In the mid 1980s Biology Professor David brought to my attention a short story entitled, “The Man Who Planted Trees”. It is not a true story, rather a fascinating modern fable designed to promote reflection, thought, and for some action. The story was then turned into a 29 minute animated film which won the academy award in 1988.

Earth Day and our convocation theme this year on climate change would normally get us to think about the planet, its myriad of life forms, its physical features and the weather. I thought given the extraordinary circumstances we are now living through, people might want to google for the animated film. You can find it for free on several sites. There is even a clip of Mickey Mouse giving the Academy award envelop to an actor (think of the police commissioner in “Blue Bloods!”). I believe taking the time to watch the film will be very uplifting and I am sure some of you are already familiar with it.

Professor Sterling was a remarkable biology professor who challenged his students in some unconventional ways. If you go into the Applied technology building from the quad side there is an uncommon pine tree which David planted to the right of the main set of doors. The pine still lives close to 30 years later.

I would encourage any interested faculty to talk with the powers to be to consider planting 1-2 trees a year in appropriate areas on the campus, following in David’s footsteps. I am sure the biology department could advise us as to trees which would also help them with their campus field trips.

If there are interested faculty/staff please contact Doug Garnar (garnardc@sunybroome.edu).

There are many environmental organizations that one might look at but the three I find most relevant to “The Man Who Planted Trees” and David’s work would be the Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, and the Rachel Carson Foundation.