During trying times such as we are experiencing and other emergency situations, organizations look to the National Incident Management System (NIMS) for structure to manage the many and ever-changing aspects of the situation. This system provides a scalable response and allows for fluid staffing in key roles to maintain operations. An Emergency Operations Center (EOC) is set up behind the scenes with individuals and multiple back-up personnel comprising an Incident Management Team fulfilling key roles such as Incident Command, Planning, Logistics, Operations and Finance,

SUNY Broome opened its EOC as the pandemic arose and it has evolved as needed. Our EOC has coordinated with the County’s EOC for a better overall response including management of resources such as PPE needs, cleaning supplies, etc. The Team wanted to make the campus aware of our preparedness and provide a contact to faculty and staff. 

Questions or concerns related to SUNY Broome operations and COVID-19 can be emailed to eoc@sunybroome.edu.  
