Student engagement in their courses is critical to student success more now than ever. SUNY Broome has an opportunity to implement a studying app in the Spring called CircleIn that would allow students to study online together (think of it as a virtual peer-to-peer study group). CircleIn does not require anything from faculty, but those of you who are interested will be able to reflect on a weekly summary email or view activity through the faculty dashboard.
By enabling students to collaborate and study online together, the aim is to see an increase in student engagement and success.
If you would like to learn more and contribute feedback, please watch this demo video (enter passcode: 0WeJ=ms*) or review the slide deck (attached below) from the demo and respond to the CircleIn Feedback Google form by Friday, November 13, 2020.
Thank you for taking the time to review and share your thoughts about this innovative way of transforming and enhancing study opportunities at SUNY Broome.