The SBCC Business Club is collecting items for the Broome County Dog Shelter.
Needed Items:
- Purina One Adult Dry Food
- Tide Liquid Laundry Detergent
- Clorox Bleach
- Blue Dawn Dish Soap
- Toys without stuffing (Med-Large size)
- Large Nyla bones
- Tennis Balls
- Bullystick or other non-rawhide bones
- Canned Pumpkin
- Monetary Donations are always welcome
You can use this Amazon wish list link for more wish list items.
Please bring items to Lee Heron’s office – BB 216A or Erin Fryes’s office – BB 228 or even to the Business Office – BB 104.
All items will be delivered by Business Club members on Dec. 8 (so you have time to get your items together).
The Business Club was able to donate hundreds of dollars worth of goods to the Shelter last Spring. We are hoping to do even more this Fall.
Thank you for your support to help our 4-legged friends!!!
SBCC – Business Club