The Criminal Justice & Emergency Services (CJES) Career Preparedness Expo held on September 13th was a successful event. Over 50 students attended the two (2) hour event, speaking with representatives from various law enforcement, EMS, and community agencies including: Broome County Government Security, Broome County Health Department, Broome County Office of Emergency Services, Broome County Sheriff’s, Broome Volunteer Emergency Squad, City of Ithaca PD, Crime Victims Assistance Center, Cornell University PD, Endicott PD, Johnson City PD, NYS Department of Corrections & Community Supervision, NYS Unified Court System, NYS Division of Homeland Security & Emergency Services, NYS Police, NYS University Police – Binghamton, SUNY Broome Public Safety, Union Volunteer Emergency Squad, Vestal PD, Bellevue University, SUNY Broome Continuing Education and Workforce Development, and the U.S. Army National Guard.
This collaborative event gave students the opportunity to speak directly with our community members to obtain information about CJES careers, civil service testing, internships, and volunteer opportunities. It also further strengthened the relationship between SUNY Broome and our community organizations.
Thank you to Val Carnegie for helping facilitate and running the event, to maintenance for setting up the table and chairs, to Megan Steinel for her assistance and participation at the event, and to the CJES faculty for helping make it a successful event!
Submitted by: Leigh Martindale