Student Assembly General Meeting

Wales 203B

The SUNY Broome Student Assembly General Meetings have been scheduled for spring 2025. All meetings are on a Friday, starting at 3 p.m. in Wales 203B. Student are welcome to attend any meeting and are welcome to speak on issues related to SUNY Broome. Faculty and staff are asked to request permission to speak or […]

Meeting of the Board of Trustees

Wales 203B

The Board of Trustees of SUNY Broome Community College has scheduled the following meetings: January 14, 2025 (Tuesday) – The monthly meeting of the Finance and Facilities Committee, 8:00 a.m. in the Wales Conference Room 107. January 16, 2025 (Thursday) – The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees, 5:00 p.m. in person in Wales Conference Room 203B. […]

Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees

Wales 203B

The Board of Trustees of SUNY Broome Community College has scheduled the following meetings: December 10, 2024 (Tuesday) – The monthly meeting of the Finance and Facilities Committee, NOTICE: MEETING CANCELLED December 12, 2024 (Thursday) – The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees, 5:00 p.m. in Wales Room 203B. ***Note room change All meeting are open to the […]

Webinar: Building a Sense of Belonging for Black and Latino Men: The 3 Relationships that Matter Most for College Success

Wales 203B

Why do Black and Latino male graduation rates lag behind? To understand the answer, EAB researchers spoke to 30+ experts on college campuses throughout the nation. What we learned is that, as a distinct minority on campuses that are predominantly white and female, Black and Latino men struggle to find a sense of belonging and […]

Webinar: Building a Sustainable Culture of Service Excellence

Wales 203B

Identify ways to sustain your service excellence culture – now and in the future. Date: Monday, December 4, 2023 Time: 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. Location: W203B Hosted by: Stephanie Malmberg Please Register Online. Submitted by: Deena Price

Become a member of The Student Philanthropy Council!

Wales 203B

The purpose of the Student Philanthropy Council (SPC) is to educate, engage, and excite students about the importance and impact of philanthropy as students so that they will continue the tradition of giving as alumni for future generations of SUNY Broome students. Please help us raise funds through fun events, spread awareness of philanthropy on […]

Travel Abroad Risk Management Strategies to Mitigate Institutional & Traveler Danger

Wales 203B

International study abroad experiences remain a high impact practice for students. Unfortunately, risk is inherent in international travel, and study abroad experiences are not exempt from concern. Join us on Thursday, September 7, 2023, and in 90 minutes our expert presenter will examine risks associated with operating international programs and will provide solutions as to […]

Microcredentials for Rural, Low-income & Non-traditional Students

Wales 203B

Close the Equity and Skills Gaps to Ensure Equalizing Opportunities for Diverse Students Institutions have an obligation to ensure that rural, low-income, and other historically underserved populations are aware of the value of and have access to micro-credentials and stackable programs to help close the equity gap and offer equalizing opportunities. Part of the challenge […]

Webinar: Infusing Domestic and Global Perspectives into Your DEI Initiatives

Wales 203B

Diversity isn’t a one-size-fits-all concept — learn how diversity presents differently for domestic and international faculty, students, and staff. Overview Creating and maintaining an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone on a campus is necessary to recruit and retain diverse faculty, students, and staff, as well as to create an environment that promotes Global Citizenship […]

Webinar: How to Achieve Exceptional Front-Line Customer Service in Higher Education

Wales 203B

How do our customers — our students and their families — want to be treated, and how do we know if we are living up to their expectations? What makes the job of serving students in higher education so unique, and how has customer service changed in a post-pandemic world? The definition of customer service […]