Alumni & Faculty Mixer

Relax and reconnect with your fellow classmates and current and former SUNY Broome faculty in a fun and casual environment!

We know that SUNY Broome’s dedicated college employees leave an incredible impact on our graduates. The mixer allows alumni to reconnect with those who gave them an excellent education and wonderful experience at our College.

This event is open to alumni, current and former faculty and their guests. Register now.


Alumni Reunion 2024 – Saturday Events

Alumni, associate alumni, faculty and staff and their guests are invited to Alumni Reunion 2024!

On Saturday, explore the college of today and yesterday. View our academic offerings during Open House, enjoy great food at the Spiedie Picnic, watch Hornet baseball games, and attend the art display in honor of the late Professor Emeritus Robert Keller, founder of the College’s Art Department. Most events are free or very affordable!

See our events on the evening before, Friday, previously in the calendar or view all of our events on the Alumni Reunion website.

Alumni Reunion 2023

Alumni, associate alumni, faculty and staff and their guests are invited to Alumni Reunion 2023.

On Friday, reconnect with faculty at the Alumni & Faculty Mixer at the Culinary & Event Center.

Then, on Saturday, explore the college of today and yesterday. View our academic offerings during Open House, enjoy great food at the Spiedie Picnic, join us for the Hornet Field Dedication Ceremony, watch Hornet baseball games, and more!

Learn More.

Alumni Reunion 2022

Pandemic-permitting, we are back in person for Alumni Reunion 2022!

On Friday, reconnect with faculty at the Alumni & Faculty Mixer at the Culinary & Event Center.

Then, on Saturday, explore the college of today and yesterday. View our academic offerings during Open House, enjoy great food at the Spiedie Picnic, listen to a college history presentation and more!

More information will be coming soon. Registration will be required.

Alumni & Faculty Mixer | Alumni Reunion

Relax and reconnect with your fellow classmates and current and former SUNY Broome faculty in a fun and casual environment. We are also excited to be able to show-off the new use of the iconic Classical Beaux Arts-style building with its demonstration kitchen, event spaces and more.

This event is open to alumni, current and former faculty and their guests. More information will be coming soon. Registration will be required.