Rhapsody in Black

Rhapsody in Black

Written and Performed by Leland Gantt
Streaming FREE March 14-20: Rhapsody In Black Video

Straddling the color line, not at home in any hue, a young man struggles with what it means to be Black – and discovers what it means to be a man. Charting one man’s odyssey through the juggernaut that is racism in America, RHAPSODY IN BLACK is a prismatic look at life on the color line – a poignant, enraging, and often hilarious travelogue through the psyche of the perpetual “other”. A blistering indictment of tribalism in all forms, RHAPSODY IN BLACK deconstructs notions of race and identity – provoking thought, realigning perspectives and sparking precisely the sort of conversation we all really need to be having right about now.

For more details, visit: Firehouse Stage or call +1 (607) 772-2404 x 301

America’s Caste System

Join a conversation about whether the United States, like India and Nazi Germany, has a caste system. If so, does this caste system explain the origins of our national discontent?

Online: via Zoom

Faculty Presenter: I.J. Byrnes

Contact Professor I.J. Byrnes at byrnesij@sunybroome.edu with any questions.

This event is sponsored by the Women’s Discussion Group and Phi Theta Kappa.

“Meeting the Moment: The Violence at the Capitol, the Right to Protest, and the American Racial Divide”

Please join our panelists – Jarvis Marlow-McCowin, Carla Michalak and Lea Webb — for a discussion on the violence that took place on January 6, ways that protest has been used to advance civil rights movements and other causes, and a look at the racialized differences in local and national responses to protests.

Presented by The President’s Taskforce on Diversity & Inclusion

Online: Access the Zoom link via The Swarm