Webinar: Building a Sense of Belonging for Black and Latino Men: The 3 Relationships that Matter Most for College Success

Wales 203B

Why do Black and Latino male graduation rates lag behind? To understand the answer, EAB researchers spoke to 30+ experts on college campuses throughout the nation. What we learned is that, as a distinct minority on campuses that are predominantly white and female, Black and Latino men struggle to find a sense of belonging and […]

College Band Concert

Helen Foley Theater, Binghamton High School 31 Main St, Binghamton, NY

The College Band will be performing at the Helen Foley Theater at Binghamton High School.

Board Game Day

Multicultural Resource Center - Old Science Building rm 106

Join us for Board Game Day! Date: Wednesday, December 13, 2023 Time: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. Location: Science 106 Free pizza, snacks and drinks will be provided. Board Game Day (pdf) Submitted by: Student Activities

Microprocessor Project Presentations

Applied Technology Building Atrium

The students in EGR 289 – Microprocessors will be presenting their class projects. These devices are built from motors, sensors, LCDs, microprocessors, and other components. Many of the designs incorporate 3D printed parts as well as components scavenged from old scanners, computers, and printers. There will also be snacks and drinks to celebrate the end […]

String Ensemble Concert

Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater

The College String Ensemble will be performing in the Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater, located in the Student Center.

Guitar Music from Latin America: Performance

Online via Zoom

Thursday, December 14 Faculty Presenter: Paul Sweeny Time: 11:00 am Join a member of our music faculty for a live performance of music from Latin America. What better way to celebrate another successful semester? Contact Professor Paul Sweeny at sweenypm@sunybroome.edu with any questions Meeting ID: 955 0169 6849 Passcode: 739040 Attend on Zoom only Launch […]

Professor Kenneth Mansfield, Jr Retirement Celebration

AT Atrium

Ken Mansfield is retiring after 34 years of service. During his time at SUNY Broome, he has worked for the IT department, Computer Science Department as a Professor & Chair, and served one year as the Interim Dean of STEM. Please join us for coffee and cake to congratulate him. Date: Thursday, December 14, Time: 2 p.m. […]

Monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees

Decker - Libous Conference Room 117

The Board of Trustees of SUNY Broome Community College has scheduled the following meetings: December 14, 2023 (Thursday) – The monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees, 5:00 pm in person in Decker Libous Room 117. SUNY Broome Community College Board of Trustees meeting All meeting are open to the Press and Public. SUNY Broome […]

Chamber Singers Concert

Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater

The College Chamber Singers will be performing in the Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater, located in the Student Center Chamber Singers Winter Concert (pdf)

Applied Music Concert

Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater

The Applied Music students will be performing in the Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater, located in the Student Center

Guitar Ensemble/College Choir Concert

Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater

The College Guitar Ensemble and College Choir will be performing in the Angelo Zuccolo Little Theater, located in the Student Center.

Student Village – Winter Break Closing

Student Village

Residents are encouraged to leave within 24 hours of their last class/final – classes end Monday, December 18, 2023, with the Student Village closing at 7:00 pm.* *Those with late classes on the day of the Student Village closing, or a travel delay, may request to stay overnight to the following morning at 10:00 am. […]

Free TEAS Test Prep Course

SUNY Broome Campus 907 Front St, Binghamton, NY

Free TEAS Test Prep Course for SUNY Broome students applying to the Nursing Program. The test prep course is free and includes a test prep book. Class is limited to 20 participants. January 4, 2024 through February 22, 2024 Tuesdays & Thursdays 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm & two Wednesday classes from 5:30 pm – […]

The SUNY Broome Scholarship Application is Open!

The SUNY Broome scholarship application opens on Jan. 10! The deadline for continuing students to apply for scholarships is March 4, while freshmen have until April 19 to complete their application. With one online application for hundreds of available scholarships - take the time to apply! If you are selected, you can reduce the cost […]