This presentation examines adult learners’ challenges, obstacles, and practical strategies to overcome these barriers and enhance their learning outcomes. The session will cover various aspects, including building rapport and trust, fostering collaboration among learners, and considering flexibility and alternative learning paths. Additionally, we will delve into the process of curating relevant content and planning for […]
Recruiting faculty and staff to play on the team versus the students for the game on Nov 15 at 3:00 pm. Players need to rsvp by Nov 1. If you want to play, email dcars at Recruiting Faculty and Staff Volleyball players (pdf) Submitted by: dcars
Shared Governance invites you to attend the annual fall Your Voice Matters event. Your Voice Matters is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, ideas, or concerns with the campus community. Date: Thursday, November 16 Time: 11:00 am - Noon Location: online via Zoom Faculty, Staff, and Administration are invited to attend Your Voice Matters! Submitted […]