Special Women’s Discussion Group Event!
We’re Discussing Toni Morrison’s novel Jazz, along with the New York Times T Book Club!
Join SUNY Broome’s Women’s Discussion Group (WDG) for a campus Zoom discussion of Jazz.
Date: Tuesday November 8, 2022
Time: 10:00 am – 10:50 am
Location: Online via Zoom (Meeting ID: 960 9765 3972 Passcode: 888363)
Topic: Women’s Discussion Group Event on Toni Morrison’s novel, Jazz
We also encourage you to attend the Thursday October 27 special New York Times online event about Jazz at 7:00 pm online.
Step One: If you have a New York Times online access pass, go right to the following link to register for the New York Times T Club event and also join the WDG on Tuesday November 8 at 10:00 am for a campus Zoom discussion at Zoom link provided in this post.
Step Two: If you do not have a NYT access pass, go to New York Times Digital Edition to get an access pass and then register for the NYT 7:00 pm event on Thursday October 27 at NYT Book Club: Jazz and join the WDG on Tuesday November 8 at 10:00 am for a campus Zoom discussion at the Zoom link provided in this post.
Step Three: If you do not choose to attend the NYT event at 7:00 pm, on Thursday October 27, then join the WDG (Women’s Discussion Group) on Tuesday November 8 at 10:00 am at the Zoom link provided.
T Book Club: A Discussion on Jazz by Toni Morrison, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature
Details from the New York Times on This Event:
Topic: T Book Club: We’re Reading Toni Morrison’s Jazz
Date: Thursday, October 27
Time: 7:oo pm ET
Location: Online with NY Times. RSVP with NY Times TO ATTEND.
Event Description:
Join poet Morgan Parker and T contributor Kate Guadagnino as they discuss this swinging, Harlem-set novel.
Next up in our T Book Club series is Toni Morrison’s “Jazz” (1992), which opens with a brief account of a love triangle that has just played out in 1920s Harlem. Joe Trace, a cosmetics salesman, was having an affair with Dorcas, an 18-year-old. When it went sour, he shot and killed her, leaving him; his wife, Violet; and others in their orbit to learn to live with their grief. From there, the narrator takes us back — to the beginnings of the intrigue, to Joe and Violet’s early years in New York and their previous lives in Virginia — moving from character to character and producing a lyrical portrait of the “City,” as it is called throughout; of Black life and of the mystery of love.
Start reading today, and join the poet Morgan Parker and Kate Guadagnino, a T contributor, for a virtual conversation about the novel on Oct. 27.
How to Get Your New York Times Faculty or Student FREE 1 year pass New York Times online:
More Information on NY Times T Club Membership:
T Book Club, NY Times, Jazz by Toni Morrison , Thursday October 27 at 7:00 pm. No charge for participation in the club as long as you have your free one-year pass.
Register at the NY Times for this event.
Sponsored by:
SUNY Broome Women’s Discussion Group Club
Great Books Discussion Group
Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society
Submitted by: Women’s Discussion Group