Transferring to the Ivy League or a Competitive Four Year School?
Each year, SUNY Broome students successfully transfer to highly selective colleges and universities. Recent examples include Cornell, Georgetown, and New York University.
Join SUNY Broome students and a SUNY Broome Counselor specializing in Transfer for insight into the application process to a four year school with competitive admissions. An admissions official from New York City Ivy League college Columbia University will be present to offer tips and guidance for this process. Our own counselor for career and transfer will be on hand to answer further questions.
Contact Joe Spence at spencejs@unybroome.
Sponsored by Career, Transfer and Bachelor Partnership Department
Faculty Presenter: Joe Spence
Guest Presenter: Matthew Rotstein, Director of Admissions, Columbia University School of General Studies
Date: Thursday, September 28, 2023
Time: 11:00 am – 12:00 pm
Location: T-101
Submitted by: Joe Spence