Join CVAC together with the Southern Tier Human Trafficking Task Force as we Walk For Freedom here in Binghamton, New York.
On Saturday, October 15, thousands of people across the globe will hit the streets of towns and cities to walk in a single file line, with information and resources on human trafficking and how to end it to raise awareness around this global issue.
We believe that every step we take locally leaves footprints globally. Every dollar fundraised, every poster seen, every person made aware of the issue of human trafficking, add up to one Global impact – a world where everyone is free.
If you have any questions about this walk please contact a local representative at or our Community Educator and Outreach Specialist Stephanie at
If you have general questions about A21 or the global Walk For Freedom email
Additional Information:
Meet at Martin Luther King Park and Promenade at 4:00 pm to check-in. More details to come!
A21 Walk for Freedom Info (pdf)
A21 Join Us Flyer (pdf)
A21 Walk Flyer(pdf)