Ukraine in Peril / Conversation with the Audience
Are we on the cusp of a major war in Europe or is Vladimir Putin engaging in high-stakes blackmail? Join our panel discussion by faculty members from the History, Philosophy and Social Sciences Department at this critical moment when history is being made: On February 8, faculty members Call, Michalak, McKenna, and Godoy presented background information on the situation in Ukraine. The March 1 program will engage you and them in conversation on the evolving situation and ongoing diplomatic efforts. Might international organizations and other nations help Ukraine and Russia reach a diplomatic resolution?
Date: Tuesday March 1, 2022
Time: 11:00 to 11:50
Live, Campus Location: Titchener room 101
- Join Zoom MeetingMeeting ID: 998 2001 9914
Passcode: 101
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Submitted by: Irene Byrnes