Through the duration of the COVID-19 outbreak The Dean of Students Office will continue to provide resources and support to members of our campus community. Office operations continue and are now being conducted remotely. All reports will continue to be investigated in accordance with SUNY Broome Community College policy.
If you experience sexual or related misconduct, you can still report it. Please visit our Title IX reporting form: Sexual Misconduct or Interpersonal Violence Reporting to report an experience. We will continue to receive and respond to reports and can conduct meetings remotely via Zoom or telephone. All reports will continue to be investigated in accordance with SUNY Broome Community College policy.
Faculty and staff are encouraged to inform students of the SUNY Sexual Assault and Violence Response (SAVR) website to help them identify local and national resources.
Should you have any questions that you cannot find the answers to, please contact the SUNY Broome Community Interim Title IX Coordinator, Amy Zieziula , at +1 (607) 778-5681 or by emailing her at