Frank G. Paul Medal of Excellence

SUNY Broome President Kevin E. Drumm will present the Frank G. Paul Medal of Excellence in Math and Science to outstanding high school seniors from the Southern Tier region at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 15, 2019, in Decker Health Sciences Center Room 201.

The recognition includes a medal and a cash award for the top-scoring male and female students in math and science from area schools. Additionally, medal recipients who are planning to attend SUNY Broome will be considered for the Francis and Lillian Paul Scholarship for SUNY Broome’s Engineering Science program. Students receiving this scholarship may also be eligible for a transfer scholarship upon graduation to complete their bachelor’s degree, if criteria are met.

The event will feature Dr. Michele Snyder, SUNY Broome’s Dean of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) as guest speaker, and Rebecca Komorowski, daughter of Francis and Lillian Paul. The program is sponsored by the Broome Community College Foundation and is made possible with very generous financial support from Frank and Lillian Paul and family.

This year’s medal recipients, by high school, are:


Samantha Toberman

Simon Joyner

Chenango Forks

Kylie Gilroy

Thomas Wachter

Chenango Valley

Marrissa Rogers

Logan McCarthy


Abigail Foster-Chase

Xavier Doughty


Bryanna Kinney

River McCumiskey


Abigail Kelley

Steffan Hanson

Johnson City

Kara Anderson

Austin Maurer


Taylor Olson

Brendan Tennant

Owego Free Academy

Amy Huang

Joseph Baron

Seton Catholic Central

Zihan Zhang

Evan Anderson

Susquehanna Valley

Kelsey Shea

Nathaniel Hrehor


Anna Medionte

Steven Thomas


Trinity Purdy

William Spring

Whitney Point

Marilyn Peterson

Ethan Baker


Alexis Green

Douglas Trotter