The Scholarship Application is open! The deadline for continuing students to apply for scholarships is March 9, 2023 while freshmen have until April 24, 2023 to complete their application.
Why should I apply?
You will never know if you would have received a scholarship, if you don’t apply! Hundreds of thousands of dollars are set aside for students and there are hundreds of scholarships!
Plus, it’s pretty easy. You can seamlessly apply through one online application. The system will automatically pair you with the scholarships that you qualify for through set criteria.
How do I apply?
Log on to the application (sunybroome.awardspring.com) using your MyCollege username and password to complete your application and take advantage of the many SUNY Broome scholarships available to you.
Information and instructions on how to apply for the SUNY Broome Scholarships can be found here (www.sunybroome.edu/scholarshipsonline). Be sure to check the online portal often after submitting your application to see if there is additional information needed for a specific scholarship.
If you have any questions or need assistance in completing your application, please contact the SUNY Broome Foundation at foundation@sunybroome.edu or 607-778-5182
NOTE: All new students (including Fast Forward and Early College students) must apply and be accepted at SUNY Broome prior to applying for scholarships.
Submitted by: SUNY Broome Foundation
Tags: Scholarships