Speak the Speech! At SUNY Broome Theater's Practice-Run you will read the words of great African-American Heroes for a virtual mini-performance to take place later in the semester. Just choose a "speech," none are very long and some are really short, in the attached document found by scanning the qr code.

At SUNY Broome Theater’s Practice-Run you will read the words of great African-American Heroes for a virtual mini-performance to take place later in the semester. Just choose a “speech,” none are very long and some are really short, in the attached PDF document found by scanning the qr code.

It does not matter if you choose the same words as someone else as this is a Practice-Run and not a performance.

This is an opportunity to be part of this event to kick off the new venture for SUNY Broome Theater’s Virtual Performing Garage — a common space for all the lively arts.

Register by emailing StudentActivities@sunybroome.edu or just “stop in”!

Date: September 9 & September 11
Time: 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Online: Zoom (Log into the Swarm for the meeting link)