Even with recruitment efforts winding down nationwide in advance of the Thanksgiving holiday, the admissions crew at SUNY Broome has stayed busy with a number of events involving both local high schools and international prospective students.
Instant Admissions events with Johnson City, Chenango Forks, and Maine-Endwell high schools offered over 50 local students the opportunity to streamline their academic future at SUNY Broome with an event that granted them acceptance into the school upon completion of their applications. Furthermore, personalized guidance from admissions counselors regarding career pathways that start with academic programs at SUNY Broome allowed students to discover academic avenues that best fit their goals. We look forward to welcoming these students on campus next fall already!
Seniors from Susquehanna Valley High School who had been accepted at a previous Instant Admit came to campus this week as well. This group of 30 students has a particular interest in attending SUNY Broome after their high school graduation, and the visit hosted by admissions counselors allowed us the opportunity to help them cement that decision. In addition, special information sessions with the Financial Aid and EOP departments helped advertise to these students some of the services that can help to assist students financially, academically, and personally during their future here.
Last but certainly not least, admissions counselors partook in recruitment efforts both locally and internationally this week. While one counselor, Margaret Sullivan, traveled to Unadilla to speak with local students, our international admissions specialist Susan Wellington began preparations for a virtual college fair that will allow her to connect with prospective students from Japan!
Looking into our near future, the College Express program is being expanded with two new partnerships- Binghamton High School and Deposit High School. We will begin the programs by educating students and their families during “Family Night” workshops hosted by Brittney Richardson and Maja Szostak on November 29th (Binghamton) and November 30th (Deposit). Admissions is reaching out to the campus community to assist us in welcoming students by providing information regarding supports, athletics, Financial Aid, student life, housing, EOP, and much more!
Would you like to speak to Admissions regarding your program or department? We would love to connect with you! Each Wednesday, we are hosting “Information Wednesdays” in the Wales Office, where campus partners are invited to speak with the department so that we can learn more about your program, any upcoming events, highlights, and partnership opportunities.
If you are interested, you can sign up online at SUNY Broome Information Wednesdays.
Submitted by: Admissions Department