By Elisabeth Costanzo Stewart

When interviewing for a professional position at SUNY Broome, most search committees pose a version of the question, “What do you know about SUNY” to each candidate. When Owen Conklin, SUNY Broome’s new Director of Admissions, was presented with that question, he knew just what to say. Educated by three SUNY schools, and employed by four, Conklin doesn’t just understand the power of the State Univeristy of New York System, he’s lived it for two decades. Conklin brings a wealth of higher education experience to his new role, with an extensive background in undergraduate and graduate admissions and enrollment management, as well as in residential life. Fueled on an enormous daily intake of coffee, Owen is a pragmatic, “get things done” kind of guy, with one major goal – to support and develop the growth of students from the moment that they enter the enrollment process. 

A Moravia, NY native, Conklin spent as much time as he could outdoors. His youth was shaped through his participation in programs like the Boys Scouts and Future Farmers of America. Owen’s high school ag/tech teacher noticed his natural skill and aptitude for agriculture, and connected him to an admissions counselor from SUNY Cobleskill. As a first generation college student, he struggled to navigate the logistics of enrolling, specifically in respect to understanding the financial aid process. While he eventually managed to decipher the ins and outs of college procedures and resources, the experience left a lifelong impact. 

“I am a product of an incredibly hard working family, but my parents were not college educated. As a result, I knew very little about the college process, which was not uncommon for kids from my school. Only about 50% of high school students from Moravia go to college. My ag/tech teacher encouraged seven of us to go to SUNY Cobleskill. Of the seven, only two of us ended up earning our degrees. My goal for our students is to come to college with as much information and support as possible,” said Conklin. 

After graduating from SUNY Cobleskill with an associate degree in nursery management and a bachelor’s degree in plant science, Conklin began managing a nursery on Cape Cod. While he loved plants, he missed people. The economic crisis of 2008 gave him the perfect opportunity to transition from supporting flora, to supporting student residents. 

A crazy day in Admissions can always be calmed with a cup of coffee! Photo Credit: Matt Ebbers

Conklin spent the next several years working as a Hall Director for SUNY Cortland and SUNY Delhi. His two children, Herman and Ourora, spent their formative years living in student resident halls and often accompanied their dad, via stroller, on check-ins and rounds. As any residential life professional will tell you, being in the trenches 24/7 with college students is both immensely rewarding and emotionally draining. This was especially true for a father of two small children, who was working full-time, while completing his graduate degree in higher education administration from Stony Brook University. 

“I gained so many skills during my time in res life, especially the ability to handle an emergency. After reflecting on my experiences and collaborations with Admissions at Delhi, and noticing an opening at Oneonta, I decided to try out a new role within higher education,” reflected Conklin. 

Conklin spent the next nine years working in admissions for SUNY Oneonta. For the first six  and a half years, he was an undergraduate road warrior, recruiting students, with the support of copious amounts of caffeine, in and around the capital region of New York. He then switched over to graduate admissions, running a one-man show that admitted students into advanced programs ranging from nutrition and dietetics, to education, to lake management. After almost a decade, SUNY Oneonta felt like home, which made the decision to apply for the Director of Admissions position at SUNY Broome bittersweet. 

“I loved the people at SUNY Oneonta and was really excited to be part of the vision of the new president, but I am always looking to sharpen my skills and take on new leadership roles. I’ve been watching SUNY Broome for years and have always been impressed with SUNY Broome’s collaborations with other SUNY’s and their focus on student development,” said Conklin. 

When Owen isn’t organizing recruitment events, analyzing enrollment trends, or meeting with students, he is filling his already fully packed schedule with passion projects, side hustles, and supporting his children’s activities. A proud “dance dad,” Conklin can often be found cheering on Ourora at her competitions and performances. With Herman, he is continuing the tradition of scouting, and serves as the Scout Committee Chair for the City of Oneonta troop. When he is not enjoying the great outdoors, he is delving into his techy side as an avid Twitch creator. He also produces a weekly donut review on TikTok. Just when you think that his schedule can’t get any fuller, he volunteers, most notably as a committee member for the United Methodist Church. 

Conklin’s coolest, and most successful side hustle is as a wedding officiant. What started as a weekend past-time helping his friends unite in matrimony, catapulted to Charming Ceremonies, which averages 25 weddings per year across the state and the globe. Owen specializes in custom, non-denominational ceremonies that range from traditional, to fun themes like renaissance, baseball, and Avatar: The Last Airbender. 

“I know that it seems like I do a lot and that my interests are so different, but it just comes down to the fact that I genuinely love being with people,” shared Conklin. “Above all else, I just want to be a safe person that people can talk to. Whether we talk about admissions, wedding ceremonies, scouting, or donuts, it doesn’t matter. I am just happy to connect.” 

Owen is devoting his first few weeks at SUNY Broome to doing his favorite thing…connecting with people, specifically the campus community and our partners within the region. So if you see a new face walking around campus, carrying a cup of coffee, stop him and say hello! (If he doesn’t beat you to it.) 

SUNY Broome’s application for the Fall 2023 semester is available on our website! Apply to SUNY Broome! The application is FREE and takes about 10 minutes to complete. If you have any questions about the application process, a program of study, or about visiting SUNY Broome for a campus tour, please contact the Admissions Office at +1 (607) 778-5001. Learn about SUNY Broome’s Admission process!

Don’t hesitate to welcome Director of Admissions, Owen Conklin, as he walks around campus. Photo Credit: Matt Ebbers

