I hope you are all staying safe and healthy while continuing to make progress in your spring courses. Our faculty and staff are committed to meeting your needs in this challenging situation.
In an effort to provide more time for you as you are adjusting to our new course delivery methods, we have pushed back the date for withdrawals to May 1, 2020. Please communicate with your professors and advisors before making your decision to withdraw from a course. If you decide to make a schedule change, please complete this form. Once your form is completed, and reviewed by your academic adviser, information will be sent to the registrar’s office, registrar1@sunybroome.edu, for processing. All communication must be done using SUNY Broome email addresses to protect academic information and privacy.
We realize that it is a challenging time right now and we want to provide as much support as possible. Do not forget to visit the website which provides information on how to get any additional support that you may need: http://www3.sunybroome.edu/coronavirus/students/
It is also time to register for your summer and fall courses. Your advisors are prepared to serve you remotely and provide the same quality service as always.
I also want to remind you that Spring break is still scheduled for the week of April 13-17. While you may use the time to catch up on course work, your professors, however, may be unavailable. If you have questions, please check with them prior to the scheduled break. I hope that you will also use this time to take a much needed and deserved break!
Penny A. Haynes, Ed.D.
Vice President for Academic Affairs
Tags: Coronavirus