Volunteers are needed for SPARK, a career exploration experience for eighth grade students in our region, on January 18, 2023 with a snow date of January 20, 2023.
Volunteers should be available 8:00 am – 2:45 pm. Lunch will be provided! Volunteers will be needed to help check in businesses and schools along with helping attendees navigate campus.
We are expecting around 2,000 local 8th grade students to be coming through campus between 9:00 am – 1:00 pm. This will be a very busy day and we are expecting to be utilizing all campus spaces. Throughout the course of the day, students will be able to interact with SUNY Broome faculty, BOCES Career and Technical Education teachers, and area employers to learn about the careers in our region and the educational and training pathways needed for success.
Submitted by: Val Carnegie & Danielle Britton