Twelve years ago, Doug Garnar (an acclaimed SUNY Broome History professor) worked with Sara Doane and the late Wes Warren to organize a sleepout at SUNY Broome to raise money for the homeless community and raise awareness surrounding the issue. This semester marks the 12th Annual Homelessness Awareness Sleepout.
Although we are unable to host the sleepout traditionally on campus, the Student Assembly has reached out to Michael Vasquez, RISE (Comprehensive Domestic Violence Services), Counseling Services, and United Way to continue this event virtually.
This week we have a series of videos to present to you surrounding homelessness awareness. Michael Vasquez will take you through his experiences with being homeless, his experiences working with the homeless community, and RISE will give you information regarding their services provided.
According to a study done by The Hope Center for College in 2019, 44% of students from 2-year institutions were food insecure in the prior 30 days. The same study showed that 50% of students from 2-year institutions were housing insecure in the previous year. A staggering 17% of students from 2-year institutions were homeless in the previous year. COVID-19 has dramatically affected these numbers inside and outside the college community.
We would encourage faculty and staff to let everyone, including students, know about the event and participate if possible. Participation can be a simple donation at United Way Broome: Donate and use the hashtag #sunybroome. You can also send a check to United Way of Broome County, PO Box 550, Binghamton, NY 13905 with the notation #sunybroome. We understand that COVID-19 has taken a toll on financial stability nationwide. If you are unable to donate to the United Way for Broome County, please watch the video series and spread awareness about homelessness.
The Food for Thought Initiative at SUNY Broome was created by SUNY Broome’s Student Assembly and is supported by the SUNY Broome Foundation as a creative way to meet the needs of students with food insecurities. Remote learning and limited foot traffic on campus due to COVID-19 led to the dismantling of the Food for Thought Food Pantry. The food that was in the pantry was relocated to the Student Village to help support the students who were living on campus. SA’s Vice President of Administrative Affairs, Ricky Oundo, began chairing the Student Assembly Food Insecurities Committee.
If you are a student struggling with food insecurities and need support, please contact Student Assembly Advisor, Danielle Tierno at or call +1 (607) 778-5644. View the Student Assistance Resources sheet (pdf).
To make a tax-deductible donation to this cause, visit BCC Foundation: Donate Now and note that the gift is for the “Food for Thought Initiative“.
The Student Assembly is always looking for additional students who want to make a positive difference on campus. If you would like more information about Student Assembly, please contact Student Assembly Advisor, Danielle Tierno at or call +1 (607) 778-5644. Election packets are available by emailing
Thank you for your time, we hope to see you all next year at the 13th Annual Homelessness Awareness sleepout.
-The Student Assembly