Dear Students,

I am writing to update you on some changes to the fall semester schedule based on the COVID -19 pandemic. Our first priority is to keep you and our campus community safe while delivering a quality SUNY Broome educational experience.

We were required by the governor’s office to develop a plan to accommodate your return to campus for the fall 2020 semester. In order to operate this fall, we had to ensure that we were able to reduce population density and provide social distancing for our students and faculty. To that end, we have had to reduce class sizes, spread out classroom furniture, and change numerous instructional methods to remote or blended delivery methods.

As of today, the updated schedule is available on the “my college” portal. I have attached an information page that describes the various formats for your classes and information on how to view the schedule. Please review your new schedule and if you have questions or concerns, contact the Advising Center. SUNY Broome Academic Advisors are currently providing remote services and will be glad to safely assist you.

If you are coming to campus for a face to face class, there will be a number of changes. You will be required to wear masks at all times when in the buildings, as well as outside when you are not able to maintain a 6 ft. distance from others. Many lounge spaces will be closed. While we are still offering many student support services, face to face appointments will be limited. Updates to the situation will continually be posted on the SUNY Broome website, so please check it frequently. Please be assured, we are still here to assist you and your student experience will be delivered with the quality service that SUNY Broome is known for.

Please note: Due to the state requirements and the nature of this pandemic, we may need to adjust our plans, but we will continue to update you as things change. Whether face to face or remote, we are very excited to welcome you this fall, whether you are a returning student or if you are a new student. I wish you much success in your academic endeavors this fall.

Penny A. Haynes, Ed.D

SUNY Broome Course Modalities – Fall 2020

Please be sure to log into your MyCollege account and check your Concise Student Schedule. Review the Campus, Days, Times and Location of your classes.

1. Fully Asynchronous

If the Campus is designated as Distance Learning Online, no Days and Times are listed for the class, and the Location is listed as, the class is held online. You are not obligated to log into the class on specified days and times.

Considerations: Fully Online; the course will be delivered asynchronously via Blackboard and its associated components. There is no expectation for the student to travel to campus to attend scheduled class sessions or to be online at specific times for class meetings.

2. Blended or Hybrid

If the Campus is designated as Main, Days and Times are listed, and the Location is listed as, the class is held online, and in some instances held on campus.

Considerations: 25% or more of in-class time will be delivered online in the asynchronous format via Blackboard. For in-class components, students will be required to wear face masks and adhere to all applicable social distancing requirements as outlined by the faculty, program, and/or campus.

3. Synchronous Remote

If the Campus is designated as Distance Learning Online, Days and Times are listed for the class, and the Location is listed as, the class is held online. You are required to log into the class on the specified days and times that are listed for the class.

Considerations: Course content will be delivered online in the synchronous format. Class meetings will be scheduled at specific times via Zoom or Collaborate.

4. Face to Face

If the Campus is designated as Main, Days and Times are listed and the Location is listed as a room on campus, you need to report to that room for your classes on those days and times as listed.

Considerations: Courses will be conducted face-to-face. Students will be expected to come to campus at scheduled meeting times. Students will be required to wear face masks and adhere to all applicable social distancing requirements as outlined by the faculty, program, and/or campus.

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