Work, Study, Relax!

Week 14! Yikes! How did that happen?

I bet you are pretty stressed right now. No? Yes?

Are you finding it hard to concentrate and stay focused?

Can you complete a thought- or is that a struggle?

Can you say STRESS?

So, let’s get down to basics again. This point in the semester is often very challenging for students – we know – we see you in our office more often than any other time in the semester! So let’s learn to focus, breathe and get things organized again so that you can haven a successful last two weeks of the semester.  

Counseling Services can help- Call +1 (607) 778-5210 or email us at, or check us out at Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals.

Mindfulness Monday out of the Counseling Corner:

Practicing mindfulness can help relieve your stress level.

If you have been following us for the last 13 weeks, you may have begun to incorporate mindfulness practices into your day to day life by now. If you haven’t, its ok… we can take it from here.

So lets get down to basics.

Breathing – Begin each day with taking a few moments – either before you get out of bed, or while you are drinking you morning coffee, showering, driving to school, whatever moment is somewhat still and quiet for you. Use this time to breathe for 3 minutes. Just taking a deep breath in and letting it out- repeat, repeat, repeat. Do this for 3 minutes. And then at the end of the day – as you are getting ready for bed – do this again – in and out, deep breaths, for 3 minutes.

Ok, so we’ve got the breathing down. Now, lets make a list of what needs to be completed between now and the last day of the semester.

Take some time today to make a list of ALL that has to be accomplished between now and the end of the semester. Trust me, taking the time now- will help later.

Write every assignment that is due, work schedule, other obligations – make the list as robust as it needs to be.

Now assign timeframes to each item – meaning how long will it take you to do each item and when are they “due”. This can help you then prioritize your time and your to – do list better.

In the meantime – your anxiety/stress level may increase to a level that is not comfortable after seeing this list – remember to breathe! You’ve got this….

Counseling Services can help- Call +1 (607) 778-5210 or email us at, or check us out at Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals.

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