The next Council of Clubs meeting will be held at noon Oct. 11 in SB-105.
All meetings for the semester are on Fridays at noon in SB105. Additional dates for the semester are Nov. 22 and Dec. 6.
The Council of Clubs is a place for clubs to discuss some of the concerns they have, learn about the help available through Student Activities, and exchange information with one another.
Only one member of a club is required to attend. This member can be any active member, and doesn’t need to be an officer. If the member cannot attend, the club should provide a substitute. It does not need to be the same member each time; members can rotate.
These meetings are designed for students, but advisors are welcome to attend if they like. Lunch will be served with GF and vegan options
If no member can attend, then the group should contact Student Activities well in advance.