Our first Council of Clubs meeting is on Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 1:00 pm. The meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. Log into the Swarm for the meeting link.
Council of Clubs is a place for clubs to get together and discuss some of the concerns they have, help that the Student Activities Office can give, exchange information with one another, and gain information on things the Student Activities Office is doing to try to assist them.
Some questions may be answered below:
- Only one member of a club is required to attend.
- This member can be any active member, it does not have to be an officer.
- If the member cannot attend, then they should get a substitute.
- It does not need to be the same member each time. They can rotate.
- These are designed for students not advisors, but advisors are welcome to attend if they like.
- If no member can attend, then the group should contact the Student Activities Office well in advance, so we can make sure to note that this is an excused absence.
- As always, if you have any questions, please let us know!
Log into the Swarm for the meeting link.