Taking into account the health and safety of our student-athletes, SUNY Broome has cancelled all indoor winter sports for the 2020-2021 athletic season. Included in this cancellation are the sports of basketball, cheerleading, and volleyball. Determinations on winter practices and a spring sports season at SUNY Broome are currently under review, with updates planned for released in January.
A joint statement from NJCAA SUNY Community Colleges regarding collective decisions on winter sports follows:
- After careful thought, consideration, and dialogue, SUNY Community Colleges (27 of 30) that are members of the National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA), have collectively decided to cancel intercollegiate competition for the 2020-2021 indoor sports that are considered “high risk” for COVID-19 exposure and spread of infection. These sports include: basketball, cheerleading, dance, volleyball and wrestling. Campuses will have the option to hold on-campus workouts and training with student-athletes, should the institution allow it in a structured and monitored environment.
- The low to moderate indoor sports including bowling and swimming & diving may compete in a virtual setting and must adhere to COVID-19 protocols.
- NJCAA SUNY Community Colleges will continue planning for what we hope will be the safe resumption of intercollegiate athletics in spring 2021. Traditional spring sports and several traditional fall sports have been moved to spring, per the NJCAA 2021 Sports Guidelines. An official announcement on spring sports’ status will be made in January. Detailed sport specific guidelines and protocols are currently in development and Return to Play and Return to Competition Plans will be informed by nationally recognized sport specific agencies along with NYS, CDC, DOH and governing athletic associations.
- NJCAA SUNY Community College decisions will continue to be guided by best practice and cautious adherence to health and safety protocols that will safeguard the well-being of our student-athletes, staff, campuses, and communities. We commit to ongoing collaborative efforts to develop cohesive safety plans to implement on our campuses in support of our student-athletes.