ARO Logo: SUNY Broome Accessibility Resource Office: promoting equity & InclusionSUNY Broome Library

The Accessibility Resources Office (ARO) invites members of the campus community to visit the Beyond Limits exhibit in the Library Gallery. The exhibit was created by Sarah Stets, a second year Engineering Science student and a SUNY Disability Ambassador.

As part of her role as an Ambassador, Sarah created the exhibit to raise awareness and understanding about the range of disabilities that students self-identify to the College, the barriers students encounter due to their disability and how it impacts learning/study efforts, the history of the disability rights movement, and ways that the ARO supports students in learning and living activities on campus.

The exhibit is self-guided with interactive activities, informational reading, and a video presentation.

Please plan to join Dr. Hawkins and the ARO on Wednesday, Nov. 20 from 11 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. to celebrate the exhibit and the accomplishments of the students who register their circumstances with the ARO.

The exhibit is open during Library hours through November 22. Stop by to be impressed!

Submitted by: Accessibility Resources Office