Attention Graduates: Intent to Graduate Forms Due Now!
We are still accepting last minute submissions from spring and summer 2023 graduates!! You must submit this form to receive your diploma!
If you are scheduled to complete your degree requirements at any time during the Fall 2022, Winter 2023, Spring 2023 or Summer 2023 semesters, you need to submit an Intent to Graduate Form.
Please submit this form regardless of whether or not you plan to attend Commencement. The Intent to Graduate form allows the Registrar’s Office to process your diploma. You’ve worked hard for your diploma, don’t forget this last step!
The deadline for submitting Intent to Graduate forms are as follows:
Spring and Summer 2023: March 15, 2023. Students completing their remaining requirement(s) must submit an intent to graduate form to receive their diploma.
**If you are completing your requirement(s) over the summer term, you must check summer. You are still invited to the Commencement Ceremony on May 18, 2023!
Fall 2022: Oct. 15, 2022. If you completed your requirements during the fall 2022 semester and did not submit your intent to graduate form, please submit one ASAP.
*Please note that your Intent to Graduate Form must be submitted by Wednesday, March 15, 2023 to be featured in the Commencement Brochure.
The Registrar’s Office can still accept forms through May 1, 2023, but your name will not be printed in the Commencement Brochure.
For more information, visit Registrar Office and select “Intent to Graduate” on the right side of the screen.
Submitted by: Graduation Planning Committee