Student filmmakers often spend prodigious time and effort on producing significant work that never gets screened beyond the classroom. Whether it be due to lack of confidence in their work or just sheer lack of information on the ever-growing number of venues and competitive festivals both regionally and nationally, many films that should and would get seen simply don’t.
Join us from 12 to 1:15 p.m. Thursday, April 11, 2019, in Tichener Room 102 for a presentation by filmmaker Scott Danzig on “Getting Your Student Film Festival -Worthy.” Danzig has screened and won accolades for several of his independently-produced films at regional festivals, and his short film “Toddler Tartare” was recently accepted at the Blackbird Film Festival in Cortland which runs from April 26 to 28.
He will be screening the film in conjunction with an in-depth presentation on scripting and production techniques, as well as tips on the festival submission/competition process.
Moderated by Communications Instructor Nick Bongiorno.