SUNY OER services

The SUNY Broome OER Steering Committee would like to invite the SUNY Broome community to join us in offering thanks and appreciation to faculty members who have used OER (Open Educational Resources) in their classes this past year.

OER are teaching and learning materials that are available under an intellectual property license that allows for sharing, modification and reuse. Because they can be freely shared, students can have access to them from the start of class and ever after, without any cost burden. This has advantages for student success and retention. The professors listed below have used OER with one or more of their courses this past year:

Alison Marie Sheridan-Brennan
Ashley Elizabeth Culpepper
Barbara S Puzakulics
Carly Jenae Tokos
Colleen Regan
Daniel P Brennan
Diana Lee Heron
Elizabeth A McGrath
Elizabeth Claire Congdon
Frank Anthony Norton
Giovanni P Scaringi
Jami L Viengkham
Jean C Krichbaum
John E Tomcho
Kathleen M McKenna
Kenneth Leo Spink
Macia Leigh Hill
Mary E Donnelly
Matthew Papkov
Paul E Cartie
Phyllis M O’Donnell
Randall M J Edouard
Richard W Martin
Robert A Shutt
Robert W Lofthouse
Scott Michael Schuhert
Stephanie Leah Schaefer
Thomas J Reid
Timmy G Bremer
Todd F Schipplick

Thank you to the Chairpersons and to the Deans as well for their roles in supporting OER use among their departments and divisions.

The OER Adoption Award program is still active. If you are interested in using OER or would like to know more about OER at SUNY Broome, contact Paul Bond or visit OER Homepage. We look forward to including you on our OER Champions list.

Submitted by: Paul Bond