The Office of Public Safety would like to offer traffic safety advice to drivers, pedestrians, and bicyclists who are traveling about on campus.
Advice for Drivers:
Please remember that the speed limit on the campus roadways is always 20 mph. Even when it seems that there is “no one” on campus, remember that there may be people out walking or running on the roadways. To avoid accidents, please exercise caution when you see pedestrians in the roadway. Remember to obey the traffic signs (Speed, Stop and Yield) on campus. They are there to provide a safe traffic flow, and to prevent motor vehicle/pedestrian collisions. NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law requires all motor vehicles to yield the right of way to pedestrians in crosswalks. This law is to ensure the safety of pedestrians while crossing any roadway.
Advice for Pedestrians:
While walking or running on the campus roadways and parking lots, please be aware of traffic flow. While on the roadway, pedestrians should walk/run facing oncoming traffic. This so the pedestrian is able to see vehicles as they approach and it reduces the risk of pedestrian involved motor vehicle collisions. Also, while in parking lots, pay attention to moving vehicles; you may see them but they may not see you.
Advice for Bicyclists:
Bicycle travel is becoming more popular as the price of fuel increases. While riding on campus, please remember to follow the same traffic rules as motor vehicles. Bicycles are considered a vehicle per NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law, and are to travel with the flow of traffic. For safe storage of your bicycle, bike racks are provided by the campus and are located near various buildings.
Also if you are traveling about on skateboards, roller blades, scooters, etc., proceed cautiously, be mindful of people walking, and do not use them within buildings.
Enjoy the semester and be safe!
Submitted by: The Office of Public Safety