calculator, finance, receipt

Club Advisors and Officers,

With the end of the fiscal year quickly approaching, we are asking that all clubs have their purchase requests and receipts submitted no later than June 12th. If there is a special circumstance that would prevent you from being able to submit your request by this date, please contact Sandy Stephens at

It is important to adhere to this timeline in order to allow those working with the accounting side of things to have time to process payments and ensure everything is balanced in the Swarm before a new fiscal year begins.

We appreciate everyone’s understanding and perseverance during these difficult times. The resilience of our clubs in continuing to meet and maintain bonds has been impressive, and we appreciate your level of dedication!

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the Student Activities Office at +1 (607) 778-5033 orĀ

Have a great summer!