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The Required Annual Employee Training for 2021 is now available on Blackboard and available to all SUNY Broome employees. If you need access to Blackboard please email Carine Surdey at for assistance.

The current available trainings are Title IX/Sexual Harassment and Campus Security Authority (C.S.A/Clery Act). There will be future announcements as other trainings become available.

To access the trainings, you must log into Blackboard where you should see a link to “2021 Annual Trainings” on the right-hand side of the screen.

blackboard logo, chalkboard, BB, blackboard

The trainings that are currently available will appear in the labeled folder. Each training course will have a quiz at the end of it. You will receive a badge for each course that you complete and you will be in compliance for the Annual Employee Training requirement for the calendar year.

If you have any questions or need assistance please email me at

Thank you,
Marie Finelli