Welcome to the second day of the Annual Homelessness Awareness campaign. We have Michael Vasquez discussing his experience with homelessness as well as struggles he overcame while homeless. He also raises awareness to programs and organizations available to help with homelessness. Please watch this video and join Michael, reliving his journey today, in an attempt to bring more awareness towards homelessness.
If this topic was sensitive or triggering to yourselves or others, please feel free to contact our Counseling Services. They are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Counseling Services may be reached via phone or email at +1 (607) 778-5210 OR counselingservices@sunybroome.edu
Thank you for participating in the 12th Annual Homelessness Awareness Campaign. Although we could not host this event traditionally due to COVID-19, we hope that we brought some awareness to this nationwide issue.
If you would like to make a donation towards assisting the homeless community locally, please consider donating to the United Way of Broome County at United Way Broome: Donate and use the hashtag #sunybroome. You can also send a check to United Way of Broome County, PO Box 550, Binghamton, NY 13905 with the notation #sunybroome.
If you would like to learn more about homelessness in New York, please check out Cares of NY.
If you are experiencing any type of issues due to COVID-19, whether it be college specific or in your home, please view the Student Assistance Resources sheet (pdf) for a list of resources provided by the SUNY Broome Student Assembly.
If you would like to make a donation that is more specific to our campus community, you may make a donation to the Food for Thought Initiative at BCC Foundation: Donate Now and note that the gift is for the “Food for Thought Initiative“.
Thank you for your time, we hope to see you all next year at the 13th Annual Homelessness Awareness sleepout.
-The Student Assembly