Scarecrow Contest & Display at Otsiningo Park

Even the scarecrows are social distancing!

This semester club engagement has looked a little differently, but when asked to participate in Broome County Parks and Recreation 5th Annual Scarecrow Contest & Display at Otsinango Park, the Broome Educators of Children Association (BECA) was enthusiastically engaged! Through this initiative, the four Fall 2020 officers, Elizabeth Bennett, Macy Bozon, Jackie Colombo and Yvonne Appleton, worked separately but planned together virtually on their display. Advisor, Christine Webb, along with her daughter, Amelia, collected each of the scarecrows to have our vision come alive, and with that being said, it came together beautifully. Each of the four individually created scarecrows joyfully represents the BECA logo, combined with a representative poem:

An apple for the teacher
Is really nothing new;
But this apple is for the parent,
Because you’re a teacher, too!

This poem was a special reading that Christine shared with her parents on Open House Night when she was teaching in a traditional classroom, and felt it even more “poignant to share now, in these COVID-19 times when parents may be taking on remote learning and partnerships with their children’s schools are even more imperative.” With the poem were displayed “Apples” for the parents (painted rocks adorned with an apple) for the taking, including a message to post on Broome County Rocks (on Facebook) to keep or share in our community. The rocks are devotedly replenished each weekend.

Although the voting for this contest has come to an end, the scarecrows will remain on display through 10/31; with hopes that the BECA, as well as all the other displays, will bring joy and excitement to our community. Please stop by and enjoy in person or at Broome County Parks and Recreation 5th Annual Scarecrow Contest & Display at Otsinango Park.

We look forward to participating in the future!