Zen image of balanced rocks

7 Best Study Tips for College Students

1. Good Notes = Good Grades. The correlation between good notes and good study habits is undeniable. …

2. Stay Organized. Keep a detailed calendar with all your commitments, including classwork, social events and extracurricular activities. …

3. Unplug and Reconnect. …

4. Don’t Cram. …

5. Don’t Over-Study. …

6. Find Your Zone. …

7. Take a Break!

Often students struggle to figure out how to study in college- sometimes what worked in high school is not cutting it in college. Above are some tips to help students. Give them a try- if you are still struggling, reach out for help.

Counseling Services can help with getting you hooked up with the appropriate help on campus, managing your stress around studying and your academic workload and helping you to find a balance between school and life in general. We work closely with other campus offices and off campus services to connect students to services that they may need to help them be successful in college. 

Counseling Services can help-Call +1 (607) 778-5210 or email us at counselingservices@sunybroome.edu, or check us out at Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals.

Mindfulness Monday out of the Counseling Corner:

The 3-Minute Breathing Space

Unlike meditations or a body scan, this exercise is quick to perform and useful in getting a mindfulness practice started. This particular exercise may help you when you are feeling stressed and are struggling with the ability to focus. 

With meditations and the body scan, thoughts often pop up, and keeping a quiet and clear head can be a challenge. This last exercise of 3-Minute Breathing Space can be the perfect technique for those with busy lives and minds. The exercise is broken into three sections, one per minute, and works as follows:

  1. The first minute is spent on answering the question “how am I doing right now?” while focusing on the feelings, thoughts, and sensations that arise, and trying to give these words and phrases.
  2. The second minute is spent on keeping awareness of the breath.
  3. The last minute is used for an expansion of attention outward from the breath, feeling the ways in which your breathing affects the rest of the body.

Keeping a quiet mind can be rather challenging, and thoughts will often pop up. The idea is not to block them, but rather to let them come into your mind and then disappear again. Try to just observe them.

The most important part of mindfulness is to recognize that it is a training of the mind, and like any exercise will take some time to see the benefits. The trick is to persevere, approach the process with self-compassion, and allow for reflection, change, and flexibility between different techniques and interventions.

Counseling Services can help – Call +1 (607) 778-5210 or email us at counselingservices@sunybroome.edu, or check us out at Counseling Services to schedule an appointment with one of our trained professionals.

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