The Swarm Icon

Attention Hornets!

Your clubs and your Student Activities Office are still active – they are just in a different format. Lots of fun is happening virtually, and the place to find more information is through the Swarm!

Never heard of the Swarm? Well, do we have some exciting things to tell you! Information on all our activities (virtual and otherwise) can be found in the Swarm, our social platform for all things related to clubs and Student Activities. Here you will find a listing of our clubs, their latest news, and what they have to offer. Club and campus events are listed to make it easy for you to see what is happening on any given day. Want to join a club? Just click the join button! You can also record your attendance at club and campus events to earn credit in our CCT program! The Co-curricular transcript is a way for you to show that you are active outside of your academics, which looks great to potential employers or future colleges. You’re able to earn free swag and prizes, and most importantly, it enhances your time here at SUNY Broome. Engaged students are successful students!

Looking for something to do? Check out our events listing. Want to know what clubs we have on campus? Click on organizations. Wondering what the latest information is about events? See our news stories. Joining a club and taking part in events is a great way to enhance your time here at SUNY Broome. And now, we offer things to do virtually! We’ll make sure you still feel involved in our campus community. We’ve got you!

So dig around in the Swarm and see all it has to offer. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to