Focus on Accomplishments logoCongratulations to Broome County HEARS, which was chosen by the NASPA Adult Learners and Students with Children Knowledge Community’s Outstanding Undergraduate Adult Learner Program.

“We feel that wrap around support for nontraditional learners exemplifies how to support a growing student population that often requires a unique type of assistance,” NASPA officials said in a letter announcing the award.

Broome County HEARS — short for Higher Education Access, Retention and Success — is a collaborative effort between the Broome County Promise Zone, Binghamton University and SUNY Broome. The program recognizes the importance of pre-counseling, continued tutoring and support for adult learners as a key to adult student retention.

The Adult Learners and Student with Children Knowledge Community is a group within NASPA, the leading professional association in student affairs. NASPA has more than 15, 000 members. This award is designed to highlight the fantastic work supporting adult learners. The Adult Learners and Students with Children Knowledge Community aims to share information with student affairs practitioners and thus improve support services while highlighting the stories of this unique student population.